Anna Yu - Product Designer

Work About Resume


University of Toronto Mentorship app


Researched, ideated, prototyped, filmed videos and produced visuals in a team of four.


UX Research




4 months

Sep 2019 - Dec 2019

The Problem

University of Toronto students are unsure of where to turn to for career advice. While, University of Toronto alumni want to support students but need an experience that fits into their busy schedules.

Our Objective

How can we improve student and alumni experiences within University of Toronto mentorship programs?

Our Approach

We implemented a design-thinking process to create a solution that would provide the best experience for University of Toronto students and alumni.

Are you interested in the User Research?

1. Empathize

User Research

In order to understand the current mentorship space and its users, our team conducted preliminary and competitive analysis on mentorship experiences at the University of Toronto (U of T) and elsewhere.

Major Findings

Existing U of T mentorship programs are siloed within individual faculties or programs.

Existing competitors include Linkedin, Shapr, and Bumble Bizz

No consistent process for students to become a mentee, and the requirements and steps vary depending on faculty.

User Interviews & Surveys

To understand the obstacles students and alumni were facing with mentorship, we conducted 16 individual interviews and an online survey with 34 respondents.

Key Takeaways from our User Research

Once we collected our data, we created an affinity map and clustered similar responses to identify common themes.

Insufficient mentorship awareness

A majority of students and alumni were unaware of mentorship programs offered by the University of Toronto. Many didn’t know where to look if they wanted to get involved and didn’t understand what the matching process and time commitment would consist of.

Lack of structure and purpose

Students and alumni both wanted clear and defined goals in their mentorship experience. Many times, both parties are left unsure about the meeting goal, and unaware of each others expectations.

Need & desire for mentorship

Both students and alumni expressed that they see value and can benefit from a mentee-mentor experience. Students specifically wanted advice on career development, while alumni wanted to develop leadership skills while giving back to the community.

Prefer 1:1 Mentorship

Nearly all respondents mentioned they see more value in 1-on-1 mentorships. Users emphasized the importance of having one point of contact. Group mentorship programs were described negatively and as disorganized.

2. Define

Narrowing down the scope

Based on our research we identified the direction we wanted to pursue through empathy mapping, user personas, and as-is scenarios.

Empathy mapping to help us understand how U of T students and alumni truly think, feel, do, and say. This information was further synthesized into user personas and as-is scenarios.

Empathy Map & As-is Scenarios

The building blocks to defining our user’s needs and goals.


Meet the users

Considering our design challenge involves two user types: the student and the alumni, we created two separate user personas. I created the visuals of these personas and assisted with the content.

We looked at their current mentorship experience

Now that we’ve identified Susan and Andy, we created an as-is scenario for each user to help us visually see their current journey and identify pain points and areas of opportunities.

3. Ideate

Sparking Ideas

Once we refined the goal for the project, we generated 30 ideas to address Susan the student and Andy the alumni’s needs and obstacles. With dot voting, we narrowed it down to 15 ideas.

Priorization Grid

We organized these 15 ideas into a prioritization grid to determine the most impactful and most feasible ideas to help tackle mentor-mentee mentorship at U of T. I drew the doodles to go along with each idea for better visualization.

With the introduction of Meet4Success, let’s see how Susan and Andy’s mentorship experience will differ.

Below I visualized the to-be scenario to identify whether the introduction of the Meet4Success app will leave a positive impact on Susan and Andy’s existing mentorship experience.

4. Prototyping

Sketching the Interface

Using pen and paper to begin and Figma to create medium fidelity wireframes.

5. Evaluate & Test

Insights & Improvements

The next goal was to identify any gaps in our knowledge, overlooked issues, and friction points with the decisions made so far. Guerrilla testing with 3 representative users helped us prepare for the next round of iterations.

Meet4Success App

Information Architecture


This is the landing screen of the app.The mentee or mentor match is found here, along with articles related to mentorship or career development. Reminders such as “set your availability” or upcoming meetings will also appear on this screen.


The second tab will lead to an inbox with past and current mentee or mentor conversations. User can communicate in app without giving away personal contact information.


The profile section will include the users personal information, experiences, and meeting preferences. These details can be altered at any time.

Meet4Success App

What makes it so great.

Meet4Success is designed and tailored to the users needs. It’s data-driven, and provides a personalized 1-on-1 experience.


Personalized Experience

Meet4Success matches users based on similar goals, interests, and meeting preferences.


A match within minutes

Users will receive a match within minutes of signing up, with the option of viewing the other person’s profile before accepting or declining.


You’ll always know what to say

When paired with a new mentor or mentee, the chat will provide message prompts to reduce the pressure and anxiety of starting a conversation.


Make Meet ups happen

Organizing a meeting is streamlined with calendar sharing and location tips. Once a meeting is confirmed, the details can be exported to iCalendar, Google Calendar, and Outlook.


Put structure into your meetings

Create an agenda for your meetings to avoid disorganization and misguided expectations.


Never forget a meeting

Gone are the days of missing a meeting because you’ve simply forgot. Meet4Success provides notification reminders prior to the meet up. After a meet up, the app will remind the mentee to send a follow up message to the mentor to help foster a lasting mentorship experience.


Without user research, you’ll lack a strong sense of direction and structure.

Throughout this project I’ve come to learn the significance of gathering the right data from our target users. Without it, it would’ve been hard to avoid being biased and difficult to justify our design decisions. As our product came to fruition, I witnessed the positive impacts of completing thorough research and how it led us to create a product far from what I initially envisioned.